After months of joint efforts, special work groups of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Croatia have formulated a framework platform for the project which is aimed at long-term stabilization of economic, political and security situation in the region, southeastern Europe and even broader. The platform was conclusively adopted at the recent meeting between the First Deputy Prime Minister of Croatia Ms. Vesna Pusic and the Supreme Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia Mr. Aleksandar Vucic. Today, on March 3, 2014, as the trial in the case of genocide charges filed by Croatia against Serbia and Serbian against Croatia begins before the International Court of Justice in Hague, the two sides are, in this manner, publicly delivering the first project draft to the European Commission, with the hope that the governments of the EU will support it, and encourage other high-ranking international institutions to accept a favorable opinion on it – all this with the goal of ensuring stability, prosperity and peaceful coexistence not only in this part of the Balkans, but, we dare say, in the much broader area.

Project title:


Project slogan:

“Through genocide towards social peace”

Points of diplomatic communication and administrative seats:

Belgrade, Zagreb, Den Haag, Brussels

Additional infrastructure (still being drafted):

Regional institute for the protection of genocide as a cultural, economic and political heritage.

Concrete reason:

The fact that the case before the International Court of Justice in the genocide charges filed by the two sides is formally and legally completely absurd, does not, in the least, question its fundamental meaningfulness.

In this regard, we point out that the responsible political structures in Serbia and Croatia did not file said lawsuits with the ambition of actually winning the upcoming trial, but of starting it, with the main idea that the trial will never actually be concluded. In other words, both parties are perfectly aware of the fact that, despite the terrible crimes committed on both sides during the previous war, crimes which can legally be qualified as acts of “genocide” did not indeed take place. Consequently, since despite this awareness both sides chose to file said lawsuits, it is insane to think of this as a consequence of their irresponsibility or ignorance: on the contrary, this is a well thought out strategy focused on long-term prosperity of both the Croatian and the Serbian people, and the full achievement of their national interests.

The mere fact that genocide did not happen on either side cannot cancel the most basic need for its constant presence in the collective minds of both entities!

Having in mind the fact that the current legal framework is such that the International Court will decidedly dismiss both lawsuits as unfounded, there is a serious danger that the coordinated initiative of responsible political structures in the two countries will be cut in the root. We warn that this must not happen! Ergo: In the case of the genocide lawsuits, the Hague Tribunal must not cease its work, and thus, we propose that the existing legislation be amended in such a way as to enable said court to remain permanently in session.

The only positive outcome of the possible dismissal of the lawsuits by the Court is that the citizens of Croatia and Serbia will be rightfully pissed-off at the international community and its key institutions (and, just to be clear – the perception of international injustice which keeps recurring is not an unimportant parameter in the process of strengthening national pride and sensitivity). However, the problem lies in the fact that this state of being pissed off will be short-lived, and will necessary be followed by a period of weakening of unity and diffusion of the collective being, which was unified with such efforts. It is a well-known fact: nations which are not pissed-off are capable only of defeat and degradation.

It is important to point out that both Croatian and Serbian people fully support their political elites. Recent public surveys have shown that the overall majority of citizens in both countries fully support the genocide lawsuits, although every literate citizen of said countries – including those who participated in the surveys – is aware of the fact that the serious crimes committed in the recent war do not have the character of genocide. Thus, everyone in Serbia and Croatia knows that there was no genocide, but this cannot hinder them in their common standpoints which are contrary to their general knowledge.

It would be extremely harmful to eradicate the future good neighborly relations with the act of legal cynicism or normative incompleteness. In contrast, the Court of Justice, as one of the elements of the free genocidal zone, where the two parties, without being forced to rely on facts, will be able to throw accusations at each to no end – and not so that some kind of abstract international justice can be served, but solely to serve their domestic political needs – will guarantee the vitality of zestful Balkan states, thus laying the grounds for their fruitful cooperation.

General framework:

Only stable governments can maintain stable currencies, stabile markets, stable economies, and consequently, stable relations between states formed after the breakup of Yugoslavia. (In this way, of course, they will also contribute to the stability of the European Union, which cries out for enlargement). In order for governments to be stable, they must have the opportunity to awaken emotions and mobilize national passions of the masses. This is achieved by constantly reminding the people about their martyrdom, by public appearances and activities focused on the innocent victims, historical injustices, superhuman suffering and centuries-long tribulation of members of a chosen ethnic group.

By choosing almost without exception governments which stimulate such political and spiritual ambiance during the previous twenty odd years, both the Serbian and the Croatian electorate show that this is a form of conditional reflex, something that can be considered as tradition and part of local identity.

Consequently, genocide is primarily a political resource. The possible disappearance of this resource, in particular its abolition by an act of legal violence, would, without a doubt, contribute to the destabilization of the already fragile Balkan states, and would do so – we are afraid – in a radical manner. On the other hand, the project of free genocidal zone – where tax on untruths is not paid, where folktales and mythologies triumph over the tyranny of material evidence – ensures its permanent reproduction.

Once again we point out: only stable governments – strengthened by the support of Croats outraged by the monstrous acts committed by Serbs in the previous war (Vukovar, Dubrovnik, Skabrnja…), that is, by the support of Serbs outraged by the monstrous acts committed by Croats in the previous war (operation Storm, Lora, Pakracka Poljana…) – are cable of offering each other a hand, and achieving trade, economic, cultural and, in particular, political exchange on a pragmatic basis; only they have the capacity to negotiate the modalities of peace on the same basis – and with the same efficiency – with which Tudjman’s and Milosevic’s administrations negotiated the modalities of war.

Everything else leads to a breakup of tribal homogeneity, to such frightening situations where incapable and corrupt national oligarchies could be exposed to justified revolt of their fellow citizens from the low income classes, even to well-deserved lynching, and this would, in any case, substantially deteriorate the relations between neighbors. The above-mentioned risks are, of course, mostly eliminated if we start from the basic assumption which also motivated the two lawsuits: that genocide is no less real if it did not happen.

Thus, the Regional Institute for the protection of genocide as cultural, economic and political heritage – a multidisciplinary body which the governments of Serbia and Croatia are planning to jointly establish, with the aid of the European Commission and other international bodies (administrative seats in Belgrade and Zagreb, diplomatic offices in Hague and Brussels) – should serve to strengthen and institutionalize, on a far broader scope, the very same mantras about victims and clear ideological slogans that are forced into the heads of schoolchildren in Croatia and Serbia, through history classes and canonized literature included in mandatory school reading.

For example:

a) A nation which was not a victim of genocide does not deserve to exist.


b) Only nations which were well eradicated have a guaranteed future.


c) A collective consciousness without burial pits is a black hole.

And all this is necessary for the joint preparation for the optimal form of political and social engagement, according to which:

d) Mass graves should dictate the situation in the country.

Theoretical foundation:

According to Claudi Battistelli from the University of Padova, an expert on the history of Balkan conflicts – striving towards peace with the aid of a “handy war” is a relationship which is beneficial for both sides. “In that sense, the governments of Croatia and Serbia are organized as para-civilian formations: bodies which exercise civilian power by constantly encouraging and using emotions typical for a state of war. As soon as their representatives put on civilian clothes, they are filled with the zeal of poorly castrated generals. They carry a handy war in their briefcases, and take it out as the trump card when faced with troubles of a peacetime type.” (C. Battistelli: Serbs and CroatsNazism of small differences”, Oxford University Press, 2008).

Interpreting the obsession with killing fields and mass murders from the aspect of pornography, which is “grounded in the process of facing abundance” and “hypertrophy of reality in order to achieve a stronger sensation”, Georgi Viktorov, a social psychologist, introduces into expert literature the notion of “masturbationalism”. According to him, “masturbationalism is the exploitation of fallen fellow citizens in order to serve the daily bodily and political needs, while it is officially classified as displaying piety”. (G.Viktorov: “Porno shop Jasenovac”, Yale University Press, 2010).

Social aspect:

The basic premise is: A nation brought to the brink of hunger will be best fed with its own historical victims.

In the absence of a more favorable methodology, it is best to follow the logics of the pension fund: according to the existing data, at this moment, 1.37 cowardly killed Croats ensure the meaning of life for one living Croat, while 1.49 monstrously murdered Serbs existentially support one living Serb. Assuming that the process before the International Court of Justice lasts, the plan of the Croatian and Serbian governments is to reach the ratio of at least 2:1, if not 2.5:1 by the end of the year. From a long-term perspective, it is in the best interest of growth and overall wellbeing to strive towards achieving a ratio where the largest possible number of dead (Croats, Serbs) gives meaning to the lives of the smallest possible number of living (Serbs, Croats).

The goal of every leader who cares about his success is to have the opportunity to paraphrase the great Marshal: “A nation that has such deceased should not fear for its present!”

However, the working bodies of the Croatian and Serbian governments stand firm in their belief that this is not just an invention with a local scope – but that the effective exploitation of genocide can become an original Balkan contribution to the stabilization of the international order.

The Bosnian theorem:

The example of Bosnia and Herzegovina showed everyone how the outbursts of people’s fury which is not nationally articulated, and whose weapons (stones, bats, Molotov cocktails…) are not aimed at the ethnic Other could lead to terrible consequences. The leading politicians in the governments of Croatia and Serbia – Zoran Milanovic and Aleksandar Vucic – have placed their best efforts into trying to nationalize the social uprising in the neighboring country as fast as possible, but have achieved only relatively limited results. One of the goals of this projects is to facilitate such endeavors in the future.

Generally speaking, it is much more practical when plundered, humiliated, impoverished and embittered nations, instead of “fucking politicians” – blame “fucking Croats” (in case of Serbs) or “fucking Serbs” (in case of Croats), or “fucking Bosnians” (in case of Serbs and Croats), or “fucking anyone” (in the case of anyone)… just as long as they are not “fucking politicians”.

If politicians are simply “fucking” – and not stamped with all understandable ethnic and national labels – then that is already too fucking close to European capitals and the center of corporative and political power, fucking too close to cosmopolitan atmosphere, summoning dark visions of irresponsible precarity which rejects national heritage, attacking the ruling gang with foaming mouths, oblivious of its ethnic specificity.

The possible class understanding of existing exploitations leads to chaos, destruction and uncontainable anarchy. The Balkan experience aside, every responsible person must know that only anger at “fucking French”, or “fucking Germans”, “fucking English”, “fucking Poles”, “fucking Lithuanians” and – generally – “fucking foreigners” – can save the fucking system from erosion and probable collapse.

Financial construction:

From the perspective of strategic guidelines for sustainable development of the European Union, there is no justifiable reason for treating the search for mass graves, exploitation of genocidal reserves and industrial production of national suffering differently from reserves of natural gas, plantations of Levantine olives or ecological cultivation of the Brussels administration.

In an interview for the Zagreb-based Jutarnji list, speaking about the genocide lawsuit and the start of the trial before the International Court of Justice in Hague, the Croatian Justice Minister Orsat Miljenic said: “After so much was invested in this task, we have the duty to end it in the best possible way”. When the journalist asked him “how much will that cost us”, Minister Miljenic answered “a lot”.

So, gentlemen from European funds: we want money!

Translated by Bojana Obradovic

Pešč, 10.03.2014.

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Viktor Ivančić, rođen u Sarajevu 1960, osn. i srednju školu završio u Splitu, u novinarstvo ulazi kao student elektrotehnike. Za studentski list FESB 1984. dobija nagradu 7 sekretara SKOJ-a. Urednik i jedan od osnivača nedeljnika Feral Tribune, u čijoj biblioteci je objavio „Bilježnicu Robija K.“ (1994, 1996, 1997. i 2001) i studiju „Točka na U“ (1998, 2000). Izabrane tekstove objavio 2003. u „Lomača za protuhrvatski blud“ i „Šamaranje vjetra“. Prvi roman „Vita activa“ objavio 2005, od kada Fabrika knjiga objavljuje: „Robi K.“ (2006) u dva toma; „Robi K. Treći juriš!“ (2011); zbirke ogleda „Animal Croatica“ (2007), „Zašto ne pišem i drugi eseji“ (2010), „Jugoslavija živi vječno“ (2011) i „Sviranje srednjem kursu“ (2015, u saradnji sa Peščanikom); romane „Vita activa“ (2005, drugo izdanje ) i „Planinski zrak“ (2009), te zbirku priča „Radnici i seljaci“ (2014, u saradnji sa Peščanikom). 2018. sa Hrvojem Polanom i Nemanjom Stjepanovićem piše fotomonografiju „Iza sedam logora – od zločina kulture do kulture zločina“ u izdanju forumZFD-a. 2018. Fabrika knjiga u 5 svezaka objavljuje „Robi K. 1984-2018“ (zajedno sa Peščanikom i riječkim Ex librisom), a 2019. troknjižje „Radnici i seljaci, Planinski zrak i Vita aktiva“. Redovno piše za tjednik Srpskog narodnog vijeća Novosti i za Peščanik. Živi u Splitu.

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