Local elections in Turkey: A “yellow card” to Erdoğan
Erdoğan’s defeat in the local elections raises questions about the long-term viability of his leadership and the AKP’s dominance.
Erdoğan’s defeat in the local elections raises questions about the long-term viability of his leadership and the AKP’s dominance.
Turska će 31. marta 2024. izaći na birališta da glasa za lokalne administratore. Političke i društvene posledice tih izbora, međutim, daleko prevazilaze izbor gradonačelnika.
Turkey will go to the polls on 31 March 2024 to elect local administrators. However, these elections will have political and social consequences far beyond the election of mayors.
Republika Turska je nedavno proslavila stogodišnjicu osnivanja. Po planu predsednika Redžepa Tajipa Erdogana, predstojeća stogodišnjica biće – turska.
The Republic of Turkey celebrated its centennial just a month ago. According to the President Erdoğan’s plan, the next century will be – Turkish.