Republic of Serbia’s 2011 Budget (passed in Parliament on Dec. 29, 2010, published in „Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“ No. Nr. 101/10) contains interesting information on monies earmarked for the security services on the one, and culture, human rights and anti-corruption bodies, on the other side.

For the comparison purposes, the table below contains data on budget expenditures for Parliament, Foreign Ministry[1] and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts  (SANU).

Title Sum in RSD Sum in €UR[2]
Parliament 1,938,896,000.00 18,705,011.2631
Foreign Ministry 5,648,488,000.00 54,492,000.3666
Culture Ministry 6,121,888,000.00 59,059,000.3739
Ministry for Human and Minorities’ Rights 508,106,000.00 4,901,000.8247
SANU 387,070,000.00 3,734,000.1604
Military Security Agency (VBA) 733,401,000.00 7,075,000.3015
Military Intelligence Agency (VOA) 614,410,000.00 5,927,000.3658
Security and Information Agency (BIA – former State Security Service) 4,101,386.000.00 39,567,000.0893

*  *  *

Title Sum in RSD Sum in €UR
Ministry for Human and Minorities’ Rights 508,.106,000,00 4.901.000.8247
Ombudsman 149,345,000.00 1,440,000.7683
Commissioner for Equality 96,213,000.00 928,000.1907
Lustration Commission 48,000.00 463.0679
Anti-corruption Agency 195,821,000.00 1,889,000.1338
Commissioner for Free Access to Information 126,086,000.00 1,216,000.3829
Anti-corruption Council 24,091,000.00 232,000.4118
Total (Human Rights Anti-corruption) 1,099,710,000.00 10,608,001.1754
Total VOA + VBA + BIA 5,449,699,000.00 52,574,000.5997

Dušan Bogdanović

„Biljana Kovačević-Vučo“ Fund

Pešč, 12.03.2011.


  1.  Overall costs, including diplomatic and consular network abroad.
  2.   Middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on March 9, 2011: €1 = 103.6565 RS