Design: Slaviša Savić

Design: Slaviša Savić

Since June 16th in the afternoon, our website has been under the most severe hacking attack we have ever experienced: in the last two days, our server blocked about 2,000 IP addresses. Just as a comparison, 208 IP addresses participated in the last great DDoS attack against Pescanik in April this year, on the day that Teleprompter website was crashed. Since June of last year, we’ve been experiencing daily attacks from 20-30 IP addresses. Now the attacks are intensifying every couple of hours. Functioning of the website is still not compromised. Our new server is holding on, unlike our system administrator who hasn’t slept two nights.


After one year, Pescanik’s legal team has received an answer to one of three charges we’ve filed against unknown persons who participated in attacks against Pescanik website in June last year, after the articles on plagiarized doctorates and floods were published.

Public prosecutor’s office in Belgrade informed us on June 8th that it has “sent five requests for gathering information to the ministry of police of the Republic of Serbia – SBPOK – High technology crimes division; two proposals for an order to locate the origin of communication; based on the proposals by the public prosecutor’s office and after the orders of Second-degree court in Belgrade, apartments at two locations in Belgrade were searched and electronic equipment was seized from the tenants. That equipment was sent to Department of special investigative methods of MoP of the Republic of Serbia for expert analysis”.

In this letter, the public prosecutor’s office stressed that “an order for investigation was not issued” in this matter.

Translated by Marijana Simic

Pešč, 18.06.2015.