
DwP – Sometimes I think I hear Milosevic when Putin is speaking. I am not struck by temporal confusion. Putin and his “Russian world” had Milosevic and his “Serbian world” as a precursor.



DwP – 30 godina od početka opsade Sarajeva: Ponekad mi se čini da čujem Miloševića dok Putin govori. Nije u pitanju vremenska konfuzija. Putinu i ruskom svetu prethodili su Milošević i srpski svet.

Genocide documents concealed

The former official spokesperson for the Hague tribunal’s chief prosecutor provides a systematic review of the way in which minutes of Serbia’s Supreme Defence Council, that might provide evidence against Serbia for genocide at Srebrenica, have been concealed.

Rezime knjige Florens Artman

Knjiga F. Artman, insajderski prikaz „manipulacija“ zapadnih sila (pre svega SAD, V.B. i Francuske) Tribunalom, počinje opisom bitke koju je Karla Del Ponte vodila da se Milošević, koji više nije bio predsednik, uhapsi i prebaci u Hag.