duh jaguara prolazi kroz ogradu
jaguar je naša sloboda
prijatelj mi je dao dragocenu stvar
komadić Berlinskog zida
ali ovaj zid koji grade
kroz srce moje zemlje
prekriven našom zastavom
taj zid je mrtvački kovčeg za moju zemlju
ruke se pružaju kroz otvore
i tapšu sve dok se otvori ne zatvore
pa kroz njih više ne može
da prođe čak ni muzika
već samo duhovi
svih stvari koje smo izdali
ovo je zid žaljenja
jaguarov grob
The Jaguar
the ghost of a jaguar walks through the fence
the jaguar is our freedom
a friend gave me a precious thing
a little fragment of the Berlin wall
but this wall they are building
straight across my heartland
with our flag draped across it
is the coffin of my country
hands reach through the gaps
to clasp, until the gaps are sealed
and even music
cannot get through
but only the ghosts
of all we have betrayed
this is the wall of lamentation
the grave of the jaguar
UKL Blog, 17.07.2017.
Pešč, 04.08.2017.