A man watches television.

“We are facing twelve days of hell… The decision will be painful… There are no longer any good solutions, all good solutions have been exhausted… What do you think the government leadership will do… We cannot allow this humiliation… We are looking for Vuk Brankovic… They are offering us capitulation… If we reach an agreement it will be disastrous for the generations to come… We have no allies in the international community… We will make the decision public on Sunday… Catherine Ashton expects a decision by Tuesday… This was no paper to sign, she read something typed and written by hand… Tuesday… Tuesday… A clerical error, the decision must be announced on Monday by 4 pm… There are no longer any good solutions, all good solutions have been exhausted… Monday by 4 pm… To be or not to be for Serbia… No good solutions… We must not consent to blackmail… We cannot sign nothing, because what they offered us is nothing… This is blackmail… We have no allies… It is obvious that great powers are behind all of this… If we reach an agreement… There is no agreement, all good solutions have been exhausted… Between Vuk Brankovic and Emperor Lazar… In a visit to the Patriarch… We must not accept… There are no good solutions, all solutions have been exhausted… How do you comment on this statement… There are no good solutions… Hard days for Serbian people… In this moment, the state leadership is making a decision… There are no good solutions, all solutions have been exhausted… Until Monday… Until Monday… If we accept, it will be disastrous for us… If we do not reach an agreement, it means isolation… This will mean capitulation… The Albanian side… Obviously great powers… Everyone is against us… D-Day… The decision must be unanimous… There are no good solutions… Every solution will be painful… Fishing club… No, the Association of Serbian municipalities is a way to drive a stake… The decision will be painful… The state leadership must be unanimous… Isolation… Capitulation… Monday… Monday… The state leadership has made the decision to reject the agreement…”

A man has snapped.

A man woke up early to save his family. He is especially worried about the boy, not yet two years old.

There are no longer any good solutions. All good solutions have been exhausted.

“After the unprecedented massacre that happened this morning, the Government has decided to declare a Day of mourning on Wednesday.”

“Prime Minister of Serbia announced that rejecting the agreement does not mean the end, and that a compromise between Belgrade and Pristina can be achieved.”

Translated by Bojana Obradovic

Peščanik.net, 13.04.2013.

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Nadežda Milenković, kreativna direktorka, školovala se da radi sa delinkventima, a završila kao „samohrana majka srpskog advertajzinga“. Smislila neke od najboljih slogana: „Ili jesi ili nisi“ (Lav pivo) , „Izgleda šašavo, ali mene leđa više ne bole“ (Kosmodisk), „Ako vam je dobro, onda ništa“ (Peščanik)... Radila u reklamnim agencijama: Mark-plan, Sači, Mekken, Komunis. Sve manje radi komercijalne kampanje i okreće se goodvertisingu. Na Fakultetu za medije i komunikacije vodila master kurs: Idejologija. Autorka bestseler knjige „Kako da najlakše upropastite rođeno dete“, dugogodišnje rubrike „Pun kufer marketinga“ u nedeljniku Vreme i kolumne ponedeljkom na portalu Peščanik. Poslednja knjiga: „Ponedeljak može da počne“, 2020.

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