A summer strike

Until today, not a single attack against Pescanik was investigated. Just like on previous occasions, the website administrator has collected data of the attack from his logs. Pescanik’s legal team is preparing criminal charges against “persons unknown”.

The Etihad case

The most suspicious part of the Agreement is the one in which Etihad issues orders and commitments to the Government of Serbia to secure a monopoly over the airport Nikola Tesla for Air Serbia and Etihad.

Global hate

In the news about the camp where Zilots train minors in the use of weapons, the most wicked is the prioress, who seeks to pull the children away from the computers by giving them guns.

Gennady in Jerusalim

In parallel with the specter of state bankruptcy, used for amortization of social unrest, the story of Russian relations has been intensively developing in the public. This story has two faces. One is the story of Russian power and the other is of mercy.

Open letter to the people of Belgrade

We are a group of 50 international scholars and experts on urban development and planning. We have seen and studied the plans of “Belgrade on the Water” project and want to communicate some serious concerns about the current proposal.


The scenery of future and potentially more serious crisis is emptying, and there only remain the prime minister with the government as his extended arm, the army and “the people” which should be protected – well known trinity.

Long live labor

A new reason for layoff is introduced – behavior of an employee that constitutes a criminal act at work or related to work, regardless of whether criminal proceedings against the employee are initiated.

The endgame in Ukraine

Croatian case provides one possibly relevant comparison with the Ukrainian crisis. Apart from that outcome, there are three other endgames but rather unlikely to be adopted. The implication is that the conflict will be a protracted one.

Legitimacy and constitution

There are various attempts to draw a parallel between the crisis in and over Ukraine and the dissolution of Yugoslavia and more specifically with the constitutional set up of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the possible political outcome in Ukraine.

Sacrificing the chess pawn

There are those who claim that this is all part of a political play – to sacrifice not so politically important Krstic on “an altar of painful reforms” in order to preserve intact and integral Vucic.

The grand design of corruption

Our sun rises in Arab Emirates. Their money, entrepreneurship and altruism are supposed to make Little Dubai out of Serbia, shinny and silly, like all that modern hamburger architecture from Brazil to Kazakhstan and China.

The shameless plagiarism of Aleksandar Šapić

Balkanist – Aleksandar Šapić has sunk deeper into the Serbian academic mud than Mr Stefanović, not because of his tattoos or his (indisputably outstanding) athletic career, but because his plagiarism is more serious, extensive and shameless than that of Mr Stefanović.

The mythical war

Feeling of injustice is perhaps the strongest glue of a nation. It homogenizes all individuals with a strong sense that we are objects of constant historic injustice – you keep giving, but you are always misunderstood and, eventually, end up worst.

Prijedor holograms

At the opening of Andricgrad Vucic stressed that the Institute will be “the gathering place for all great Serbian minds”. However, on the road to Omarska none of those “great Serbian minds” thought to put a single road sign.

Flooded consolidation

Prime minister didn’t explain what floods have to do with reducing public servants’ salaries. It turns out that the public employees are biggest victims of floods and therefore the urgent fiscal consolidation should be postponed.

Free people

From the radio show, June 6:… Thousands of people inhabit that virtual Serbia. They built their communities there, their roads and squares. They don’t want to wallow in the mud produced daily by this government and their media.

“Second-Serbia’s” diaspora

Unlike that incensed “first-Serbia” diaspora, ideologically bigot and submissive to the cult of Sveti Sava, this “second-Serbia” diaspora is ideologically unburdened and intellectually incorruptible.


We, the undersigned university professors, lecturers, assistants, researchers, doctors and doctoral students, support the efforts of our colleagues to shed light on the unethical actions that characterize a segment of the Serbian academic community.

Government and terror

A false question has been raised – Who is killing Pescanik – which can be translated from Serbian to Croatian into dozens of variants. One is: Who killed Milan Levar?

A fake doctorate pierced the balloon

Affairs should bother the prime minister. But they don’t. He himself constructs the affairs. He uses them to build up his power and holy moral character. The more threats and dangers, the more evidence that he is doing great deeds for Serbia.

Closing time

I wonder how much more humiliation can Serbian scientists take, those people conducting complex research in impossible conditions, those who don’t steal?

Justice for Nebojsa

Two articles appeared side by side on the Pescanik website: “How to get a PhD? Easy! The case of Minister Stefanovic”, and “House of terror in the Museum of revolution”.

Dunja has it in for Vucic

When we go for our national interests, Europe doesn’t stand a chance. Europe is far from those interests, because they necessarily include censorship.

The Prime Minister’s letter

Everyone agrees that the prime minister works too hard. If only he had a bit of sleep, he would certainly write a more polite letter to OSCE representative Dunja Mijatovic.