Serbia: Human rights defenders at risk

Human rights defenders (HRDs) in Serbia continue to be at risk from attack by both state and non-state actors, including the media. The Serbian authorities are failing to protect them from physical attacks and threats to their lives and property.

Who’s afraid of Vuk?

One of the first internal orders issued by Tadic’s protégé Vuk Jeremic in the summer of 2007, was to ban Serbian ambassadors issuing statements or giving interviews to Serbian media at home and correspondents around the world without his prior approval.

The Serbian right

Although a multiparty system and electoral procedures that were introduced in Serbia were abided by after 2000, a constitutional democracy was not consolidated.

The past, responsibility and the future

Regardless of whether I voted for or against Milošević; regardless of whether I was expressing understanding for this brutal nationalism or expressing arguments against it – those crimes form part of my individual identity.

Sentence to Milan and Sredoje Lukić

Although reports about the Judgment instantly became breaking news and dominated most prominent media in the country for days, silence from the most senior state officials was conspicuous. 

Serbia and Remembrance day of the Srebrenica genocide

Following a range of actions and pressure by NGOs on Serbian authorities for the adoption of a Declaration on Srebrenica and to proclaim July 11 a Day of Remembrance of the Srebrenica genocide, there has been no official response by the authorities.

A policy of principle and truth?

On his recent visit to Banja Luka, Tadić evoked three principles: non-interference in Bosnia’s internal affairs; support for democracy; and support for whatever the three peoples agree between themselves. Are these principles mutually consistent? The answer is no. 

Bosnia out to tender

Inzko surprised everyone. After repeated warnings to Milorad Dodik to desist had failed, he felt bound to revoke the notorious decisions of the RS assembly giving Banja Luka competencies which did not belong to it, such as the right to veto every decision of the common Bosnian parliament in Sarajevo. 

Confronting the past

Latinka Perović: If you ask me, the key problem of Serbia is and has been how to turn it into a modern state… Srđa Popović: It is in our interest to find anyone who lives here, hides and is a criminal, has committed a crime or is suspected of having committed a crime.

Anti-fascism in Serbia

Slobodan Vučković: The question is whether this anti-fascism (as represented by the Communists) really did bring freedom… Olivera Milosavljević: But, that does not mean that those who didn’t wish to declare themselves fascist didn’t have an ideology that contained fascistic elements.

Serbia burdened by the Democratic party

Analysis of Serbian political life tracing its paralysis and cynicism to a ‘gene’ inculcated as far back as 1968, a contradictory aspiration to combine a modernizing, ‘Western’ reformism with blood and soil nationalism.

The time of snakes

I went to Kolarac for the promotion of Dobrica Ćosić’s book The Time of Snakes. That whole atmosphere at Kolarac, those people who went there – the girl next to me, 17 or 18 years old, burst into tears as soon as Ćosić said “Good day”.


An interesting debate is taking place in scholarly publications and on the internet about the causes of the crisis, the ideological convictions and political recommendations.

Public statement

We would like to inform people’s deputies, the media, nongovernmental organizations and the public that the Government of the Republic of Serbia has forwarded to the People’s Assembly the Draft Law on Alterations and Amendments of the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance.

The counterfeiters

Getting an ID was turned into an important social event. And when you bend down in front of a clerk desk, you are a broken man, and the clerk gives you a look and starts grinding his teeth.

Institutional hindrance

Democratic Party has proven to be nothing more than a state-owned business enterprise and the primary source of corruption and of tycoons and of the faint-hearted politics which we cannot count on. But at the same time, we have no other choice.

The new income tax law

As part of austerity measures to cope with the current economic crisis, a new Law on Citizens’ Income Taxation is in force as of May 8, 2009.

Šljivančanin case

Public reactions to the Šljivančanin sentence represent a direct consequence of Serbian politicians’ habit to nurture a feeling of injustice inflicted on the Serbs.