The reach and paradoxes of the Protest against the dictatorship
The student protests against the authoritative government have cast a long shadow over the legitimacy of Aleksandar Vucic’s election.
The student protests against the authoritative government have cast a long shadow over the legitimacy of Aleksandar Vucic’s election.
From the archive: I wonder did there exist, on the fourth of June 1968 in Belgrade, a single person who did not feel shaken to her very core, or thrown out of his basic everyday equilibrium?
There is little chance that domestic and foreign support will prevent Orban’s government from banning the work of CEU in Hungary.
The difference between a multimillionaire in France or Sweden and Ivica Todoric in Croatia is the fact that they have to obey their laws, while in Croatia the laws have to obey Ivica Todoric.
Opposition is not only a competition to the regime, but also a guarantee of its legitimacy. Elections not controlled by the opposition are no longer a legitimate expression of the citizens’ will.
This very moment, the opposition should start preparing for the Belgrade elections. And the first item in these preparations should be the analysis of the presidential election which has just ended.
Minister of finance probably doesn’t know that tax inspectors have been calling business owners all over Serbia asking them to vote for candidate listed under number 6.
At one time, I found it useful to think in terms of Marx’s dictum: from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs. Start with Plato, not altogether literally…
Our candidate for the Eurosong scheduled for the first week of May has more publicity than the presidential candidates taking part in the elections scheduled for April 2nd.
The prime minister promised to engage in presidential campaign only in his free time (although, he also promised not to run) and then secured this free time by dismissing the government.
“I’m not campaigning. We didn’t spend a single dinar, we didn’t hold a single rally. I didn’t go anywhere to campaign in any way. Is this true? It is. So, why are you talking about campaigning?”
We’re not only asking for the resignations of the mayor and the minister of police. We are asking for judiciary truth, legal truth, and not political lies. Our demand is neither exaggerated nor illegitimate…
Vucic, the knight in shining armor, will defend Marija Mali as the mother whose children were taken away, but won’t mention her as a woman who is the victim of domestic violence.
The peripheral countries often offer an early prophecy about the direction things are going. The outskirts are not the ones to create new global trends – they are just the first to crumble.
Where does a contemporary history of Serbia begin? How is the Yugoslav legacy reflected within it? And does all the talk about memory and forgetting in post-conflict societies really help?
Last week, the Bar association of Belgrade refused to register Vladimir Vukcevic, former war crimes prosecutor, into the attorneys’ registry. We could have anticipated this last year…
There was no discussion about auxiliary police in Serbia, and the public was not informed that last year’s Law on police enables the Ministry of interior to form that kind of police.
The problem is not the fact that it’s a Serbian train, since Serbian trains and buses regularly travel to Kosovo and vice versa, but the fact that the words „Kosovo is Serbia“ are written on it.
Wait a minute! What are we actually celebrating on January 9th? We forget the essence. And the essence is the answer to the question about what actually happened on January 9th, 1992.
The two police officers stated that during the commemoration in Potocari in 2015 as many as 19 police officers were at the event and that they were given the task to secretly record the event.
Ready for a new year of fighting, because the Dark is afraid of us! Whose city? Our city! We started 2016 with this message. A year of the fight against a serious threat to our city.
The parliamentary majority believes that her testimony in the Hague has freed Slobodan Milosevic and his police and army officials from any accountability for Racak.
Heinrich Böll Stiftung
This could be a tsunami that would cause a succession of political generations. Without Thaçi and the Drenica group, their PDK would face a blow that would be difficult to overcome.
In a weak and underdeveloped society such as the Serbian one, a lie is not used for ideological seduction, but for linking authoritarian government and dependent citizens into a permanent coalition.
wiiw – Trump announced that he was going to pull the US out of TPP and was going to negotiate bilateral trade deals. To get better deals for the US: ‘to bring jobs and industry back’.
The front page of Vecernje novosti on Monday, November 18th, 1991 brought two equally huge headlines: “Vukovar under control of Yugoslav army” and “Folk singer Lepa Brena is getting married”.
Branislav Ristivojevic, a professor at the Novi Sad Faculty of Law, recently published his view on the annulment of Slobodan Beljanski’s PhD thesis. He spoke on TV Pink, made a statement to TV Vojvodina…
The GDP of the Eastern European countries in 2015 was 60% higher than 25 years ago, while Serbia is 25% below that level. These countries as a whole are 85% more developed than Serbia.
Not a day goes by that we don’t get insulted by the government. It insults us collectively, as a group, as individuals. But at the end of the day, the government feels the most insulted.
Introduction to Vojin Dimitrijevic’s book “The reign of terror”: He wrote this book more than 30 years ago, believing that the end of the XX century was to bring a liberation from fear.
We are witnessing a conflict of the state with itself: MPs attacked the Ombudsman, and the prosecutor’s office attacked the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance.
Mr Vucic seems to have found it difficult to simply say the minister in question was lesbian: rather, he used the medical term, adding that this was her ‘stated orientation’.