Olympic battle for Kosovo
The government’s instruction means fewer medals for Serbia, but fails to show how it will manage to defend Kosovo. The first question being in which sports our medals and defense of Kosovo could “clash” at all.
The government’s instruction means fewer medals for Serbia, but fails to show how it will manage to defend Kosovo. The first question being in which sports our medals and defense of Kosovo could “clash” at all.
Ten days after the murder in Zitiste we still came to the point where violence is violence, jealousy is jealousy, and it’s hard to be left by a partner. You can read all about this in the article on the Politika website.
Torture methods used in Serbian institutions resemble interrogation techniques used by the CIA in the American prison Guantanamo, whose closing the prime minister is supposedly enabling.
Students in Serbia will know every detail about the Srebrenica genocide – from textbooks and through school excursions to the Memorial Centre, where we stand today.
Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Out of 550 enterprises, the procedure of liquidation, merger or privatization has been concluded in 300 companies with 25,000 workers. What about the remaining 250 companies with 55,000 employees?
About a new book by Branislav Jakovljevic: it was written by a performance studies scholar, but it is also a study of the economic and political failure of Yugoslavia.
EJIL: Talk! – Cameron has just announced that he will be stepping down by October, but the irony is that we may yet remember him sentimentally under, say, a prime minister Boris Johnson.
What is actually happening in Serbia? Almost simultaneously with the protests, we landed in the middle of a crisis with the West whose consequences still can’t be foreseen.
On our side of the mirror is possible for a mass protest to happen in the center of the capital and that the only thing that is reported about it is read from the statement of the ruling party.
Ethnic, nationalistic and social tensions are at an all-time high in Turkey…
All prime minister’s tirades about combative government and squatting in army barracks ended in an unexpected and urgent visit to Moscow, which was, naturally, private, i.e. for medical attention.
In the past, I was ready to point to the fine difference between “good” and “bad” nationalists, to accept patriots as flag-waving, basically harmless people. But not anymore…
Mayor of Belgrade said that one of the main reasons for the introduction of this airline was to enable American tourists to come to Serbia more easily. His faith in Serbian tourism is almost moving.
This is the first conversation in the set of meetings called the Other Serbia, organized by the Belgrade Circle in the begining of the 90s: For every one of us this means something. Something more than simply a promise…
In this post-electoral “uncertainty”, produced by the prime minister, the only unquestionable electoral list is the one by Vojislav Seselj. And the SNS list, whose percentage could only increase.
Now that we have agreed that the Hague Tribunal is no good and brings only quarrels and not reconciliation, the time has come for a brighter topic – national war crimes trials.
Vucic is the same as Serbia, i.e. the sum of all those differences – from Russia to NATO lovers. That mess is advertised for the elections under the slogan “Serbia wins – Aleksandar Vucic”.
Seselj escaped domestic justice, surrendering to the Hague court just prior to the murder of Zoran Djindjic. Now is the time for the Serbian judiciary to catch up with what has been lost.
If these first-degree verdicts become final, it would mean that Radovan Karadzic will have to bear the consequences of his crimes, while Vojislav Seselj will only have to answer to the public.
President Obama has obviously grasped that the Nobel Prize for Peace he received “on loan” was actually worth earning. His opponents in Washington see his trip to Havana as an act of treason.
I am writing to you on behalf of the global network of over 2,500 NGOs in 150 countries – to express dismay at the honor extended to an ICC fugitive, Sudanese President.
EJIL: Talk! – With its many flaws, the judgment will be reversed on appeal. But its principal damage – that of reinforcing diverging ethnic realities in the Balkans – will already have been done.
This article was originally published in 2008, when Karadzic was caught in Belgrade. We republished it 8 years latter, when the Hague Tribunal reached its verdict in the Karadzic case.
EJIL: Talk! – Yesterday the ICTY Trial Chamber convicted Radovan Karadzic for numerous crimes committed during the conflict and sentenced him to 40 years imprisonment.
Conversation with Łukasz Pawłowski for Kultura liberalna magazine: In all the Balkan countries you can hardly find decent media. Along with deprofessionalization, there is the process of ‘dumbification’…
Today we are giving a public lecture on Srebrenica, and examining the matrix of our learning about ourselves. The Turks are our mental time limit. The year 1389 is the beginning of our new era.
The bloody epilogue of such an important project as Yugoslavia demanded special attention of historians, but it didn’t receive it. There are neither successful nor unsuccessful books about it.
There is no reliable data on the total amount of money in the media industry, and about the purpose of these funds. This is also the least regulated aspect of the media system.
During the first year and a half of the media law’s implementation, no head of public authority has been sanctioned for not reporting the data on financing media publishers which they were obliged to do.
The Anti-Corruption Council would like to emphasize that the goal of this Report is not to mark any of the legal subjects as a perpetrator of a criminal offense…
The president of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir is a friend of Serbia. The other day, on the occasion of celebrating the Serbian Day of statehood, Tomislav Nikolić awarded him with the Medal of the Republic of Serbia.
Vucic has once again retreated when faced with the demands of the Serbian intellectual elite: first he gave up the sale of Telekom, and then he withdrew from the abolition of national pensions.