Getting a PhD in Serbia: the case of minister Stefanović
Balkanist – A person who is ready to “push” a scientifically worthless paper, especially plagiarism, as a PhD dissertation, is not fit to hold public office.
Balkanist – A person who is ready to “push” a scientifically worthless paper, especially plagiarism, as a PhD dissertation, is not fit to hold public office.
According to the few independent media, as the water withdraws, another flood is rising – the flood of questions about responsibility.
The state pulled itself together and is taking control over the key areas of life in Serbia after the floods. And the most important area, of course, is the public opinion.
The lights and sounds coming from the submerged cars are the most unnerving. Short circuits flicker the lights, turning on signals and alarms, and you imagine people trapped inside. But it’s just the afterlife of drowned cars.
Instead of an image of prime minister and members of his cabinet sprawling around helicopters, we should invoke the image of a lifeguard who gave his seat in a life boat to a woman last night.
It’s not easy to place Vucic: between nationalism and Eurocratic bureaucracy, (ur)fascism and (neo)liberalism… However, to place him in Sarajevo, seems simply obscene.
The fate of Serbia lies in hands of the attack trio VUK: Vujovic-Udovicki-Krstic… If they are prevented from implementing their program, they should inform the public.
I would say that two things are important: the reforms that government plans to implement and Serbia’s foreign policy, which is still unclear.
Should we teach about Srebrenica? Is it possible to teach about Srebrenica? These two questions are crucial when we consider the purpose and the type of education in Serbia and BiH.
The factory in Zubin potok doesn’t belong to Simpo. Just like Simpo doesn’t belong to Simpo, nor does it belong to Aleksandar Vucic or Aleksandar Vulin.
What was that game played by the prime minister and citizens in front of the Parliament? Did prime minister show us that he doesn’t swear oath to any institution, but only to the people?
Serbia could relatively quickly find itself in a situation of formal bankruptcy.
Belgrade wants Kosovo to finance the demolition of the building which conceals the mass grave.
During 2008-2013 our debt had been rising twice as fast as the debt of neighboring countries.
A spin of Milosevic’s crimes is the cover-up for Russian influence in forming the new government.
Is there anyone who did not know who ordered the political assassinations in the 90s?
The call for Women in Black lynch is a mixture of civility and fascism.
Why don’t our politicians make their own enterprises? And invest to their heart’s desire.
People who walk their dogs in the park Sumice, say that Saric was arrested fifteen days ago.
A strong leader won’t save Serbia, only building of democratic institutions and hard work of the people will.
A year in prison for insulting the denialists of Bruce Taton’s murder.
We are faced with the serious task of taking on civil action, voting for DS is a cheap way out.
Attacking the DP means attacking the middle class, educated, urban and enlightened people.
a) A nation which was not a victim of genocide does not deserve to exist.
Another disturbing piece of news: “new commission will investigate Djindjic’s assassination”.
After the opening of EU accession negotiations, Serbian political elites faced Srdja Popovic’s legacy.
Any government is lucky to have us. With us, they can get away with anything.
I met two businessmen on the same day, in the space of maybe one and a half hour.
Citizens rebelling against the failed state bureaucracy deserve our respect.
So, we come to the question of what should voters do about this election.
If the Krkobabic-Topalovic policy should continue, the state will end up in a crematorium (bankruptcy).