2012 election legal brief
How would the allegations of mass vote theft be dealt with in a state ruled by law?
How would the allegations of mass vote theft be dealt with in a state ruled by law?
Surgically precise interventions failed in the case of the LDP in Belgrade.
It`s time for Jovanovic to stand in front of a mirror, and begin a process of deep introspection.
Primary impression is that everything is taking place in an airless space of a compromised reality.
“Democracy First!” means “Serbia First!” The European Union doesn’t really need Serbian democracy.
There are enough indications to seriously examine the possibility of organized electoral fraud.
Its 1996, and Milosevic and his gang are caught red-handed trying to steal the elections.
Hungary can be understood much better when observed from the south than from a north/northwest.
Jagodina is a symbol of the failed idea to modernize Serbia which was promoted by Zoran Djindjic.
As if it was not enough that we were living the jokes, our politicians deemed it wise to start telling us more.
The invisible hand does not exist; laws, however, which govern individual and political actions, do.
Goran Bregovic, born in Sarajevo, wrote a song as a present to Boris Tadic, who was also born in this city.
In Novi Sad, grief will soon be replaced by demands to determine the responsibility for the tragedy.
In normal countries, presidential elections are called after a president’s mandate is over.
Utter the word war among Serbian youth; they will be convinced that you are reffering to NATO bombing, not to the wars in Croatia, Bosnia or Kosovo.
The bullet mailed to Suljagic was not ment only to him, but to all those who believe in multiethnic Bosnia.
Muslims are Ustashas, Croats are – also Ustashas, while Serbs are the victims.
Enlargement and the integration capacity of the EU: past experience and future prospects.
National Library celebrated 180 years; in the honorary seat sat an accused war criminal, Milan Milutinovic.
An option “You are good for nothing, I vote for none of you” has enraged the politicians.
A footnote has lost its innocence and now corresponds to the recognition of an entire state.
The majority of media outlets in Serbia are heavily controlled by political and business elites.
The Balkans proved that what we call identity is only a function of the prevailing order.
Cedomir Jovanovic has been planning to enter the government for 4 years, and now he has a chance to make it.
The reasons for the unusual dismissal of Sreten Ugricic have been exclusively political.
Trustees of CILIP are very concerned about the dismissal of Mr Sreten Ugričić, Director of the National Library of Serbia.
A note of protest against the dismissal of Sreten Ugričić which has been signed by numerous friends and colleagues from all over Europe.
We have been informed that the Government of the Republic of Serbia has decided to dismiss the writer Sreten Ugričić from his office as Director of Narodna Biblioteka Srbije.
Boris Tadic dealt with both Djindjic and Sreten Ugricic. I’m not sure if he is aware that he crossed the line he should not have crossed.
The alternatives in my case were: to be the best student in the class of professor Slobodan Milosevic or the editor of the collected works of Zoran Djindjic.
I report to Minister of Police Ivica Dacic that there are thoughts in my head, the same as in the head of Sreten Ugricic.
The government did not sack Ugricic because it was unaware of the brilliant job this man had done. On the contrary, Ugricic’s sin must be his contribution to European Serbia.