A vortex of violence

The other day, my younger daughter told me that her friends, celebrating the end of middle school, wanted to make T-shirts saying: “We don’t care about your Škodas, we have Lamborghinis.”

I believe in Niš

There is no reason to interpret opposition’s election results in Niš as a sign of broader positive change like in 1996/97. These are different times. Though the regimes are the same.

Wheeling and dealing

Citizens of Serbia, both individually or collectively, must make a decision. They are confronted with a regime mired in crime on one side, and a helpless and self-destructive opposition on the other.

A grotesque caricature

The Ministry of Interior (mis)informed the public that D.D. died of natural causes. If the expert’s report confirms that he died as a result of a beating, we are dealing with a deliberate deception.

Everyone keeps talking about Banjska

Macron and Vučić were simply merchants. This time, Vučić, as a buyer, did not come to Paris only for airplanes, a nuclear reactor… He also came for some positive propaganda.

Dačić’s referendum

It doesn’t matter if Dačić is in favour of the death penalty, it’s not even a question if a referendum would be supported. It is crucial it could not even be called in Serbia for legal reasons.

30 wasted years

There’s almost no Mostar Croat who would say that ethnic cleansing in the western part of the city and the camps did not happen and it’s impossible to find a person who hadn’t helped someone.

Crime that does (not) exist

In its Strategy for combating high-tech crime, the Ministry of the Interior doesn’t consider worth mentioning the fight against cyber violence affecting adults, primarily women.

(Not so) local elections in Turkey

Turkey will go to the polls on 31 March 2024 to elect local administrators. However, these elections will have political and social consequences far beyond the election of mayors.


Vladimir Đukanović fiercely criticized the citizens of Serbia mourning the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. He called them “bastards” and “left liberals”.


DwP – February 5th was forever marked on Sarajevo’s memory map simply and undeniably as – Markale. That day 68 residents of besieged Sarajevo were killed, and almost 200 were wounded.

An untold (secret) story

Mauser was telling me about the dismissal of Stanišić and the arrival of Rade Marković and his boss Mira Marković at the head of state security. He told me that she ordered the murder of Ćuruvija.

Mr. Serbia

Your job, prof. Bilčík was told in Strasbourg when he took over this position from McAllister, is not to make the political system in Serbia more functional and more European.

Don’t read that

Is the trial meant to show us that the state has an answer and that it did not fall apart on May 3rd? The regime fired us up and encouraged us to seek revenge.

Maglaj, truth and propaganda

DwP – Maglaj is a municipality in Central Bosnia known for being a place where all three armies clashed, formed and switched alliances between the autumn of 1992 and winter of 1994.

The Magic Mountain

A. Vučić arrived in Davos as a branded autocrat, the leader of a band of thugs and ne’er-do-wells, the one who stole the election and extinguished the fundamental democratic rights of the citizens.

Never say sorry

In the year of 2024, three decades after the war, apologizing to the Bosniaks for the crimes committed is out of the question for Serbian officials. This little phrase seems further than ever.

Call 192 for elections

It is becoming clear that the key player in these elections is the police. It was the police who “won” the elections by compiling inaccurate electoral rolls and refusing to delete voting phantoms.

How to avoid the stupid rules

Some complete idiots passed a law with the sole purpose of making it impossible for the Supreme Student of Law to speak exactly where and when it would be appropriate.

It’s already settled

Naturally, Vučić calls his theft a victory. The opposition rightly calls his victory a theft. In this terminological split, in the country that Serbia is today, the stronger one wins, and that is still Vučić.

Electoral roll in the shadows

Discrepancy in numbers of citizens and voters is a constant controversy. The opposition accuses the government of phantom voters, and the government claims the register is the most up-to-date in history.

Vučić vs. the media blockade

Someone actually dared to shove Vučić in the backseat. The website of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure recently featured something called “One Year of MCTI”.


Can a photomontage posted by the president of the Council of the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media, in which she is depicted wearing the Nazi uniform, be considered legally impermissible and punishable?

Dreaming in Serbia

Let us imagine what would happen if the opposition were to win the elections. We can rephrase that: what do we expect the current opposition to do if they become the government tomorrow?

Satan plays the guitar

As we learned about the death of the actor Žarko Laušević, we also found out about the cancellation of a concert by the Polish black metal band Batushka, scheduled for November 23rd in Belgrade.