Dodik’s anti-Yugoslav manifesto

Why is it unnecessary to listen to Milorad Dodik’s speeches on January 9th, which celebrates the establishment of Republika Srpska? Because he talks about the same things every year.


It seems that for thirty years the best thing that Serbs can think to do is erect barricades. Can we expect the barricades in Kosovo not to end up like the barricades around Knin? It’s hard to say…

Vulin in his own world

BIA got a new director. Gasic handed over all papers, keys and staff to Vulin. This seems to have woken up the opposition from their stupor, but their astonishment was very confusing.

Russia Today, Europe never

This should be the slogan of RT Balkan, the portal in Serbian launched by Russia Today TV, at the same time announcing a plan to begin broadcasting its program in Serbian by 2024.

Orlic’s reprimands

Rakic stood up and addressed the President of the Parliament Orlic and the ruling majority: “What children, exactly, are you concerned about? In the 1990s, you sent my classmates to war…”

Yet another October 22

DwP – I’m supposed to write about October 22, 1992. On that day the paramilitary group Avengers, led by Milan Lukic, abducted sixteen people. They abducted one man the night before.

Russian lessons

Prilepin said that his intention was to write a book about love, but it turned out to be about war, because “anything a Russian takes up, eventually turns into fire from the Kalashnikov.”

The birth of the Belgrade CircIe

DwP – A group of Serbian historians began collecting documents about the anti-war movement in Serbia in the 1990s and the Association of Independent Intellectuals Belgrade Circle.

Happy fearmonger

In a panicked frenzy, the ruler warned us about a series of disasters headed our way. His panic scale is calibrated at the scale of cataclysms and apocalypses, unavoidable biblical prophecies…

Winds of change in B&H

The two main pieces of news from the elections held in Bosnia and Herzegovina are the victory of Denis Becirovic and changes to the Election law imposed by High representative C. Schmidt.

Radoslav Brdjanin – contribution to crimes

The day before yesterday, the news arrived that this prematurely released Hague convict died in B&H, but it was not possible to hear or read anything about his war efforts for which he was sentenced to 30 years.

Walk for Russia

The Belgrade “walk for life” had almost no banners against EuroPride – it was primarily a symbolic message to Brussels that Vladimir Putin is present and easily managing the regime in Belgrade.

Why I left

At the other end of the table I saw hands. He told me that he was sorry about everything that happened and warned me not to talk so much about it in the media, since it affects the investigation.

Adila’s bullet-proof şalvar

DwP – An Albanian woman from Belgrade, a Serbian man from Bor, a Serbian couple from Gracanica are sitting together in Durrës. It sounds like a joke, but we are somewhere halfway to reconciliation…

Peace and unrest

Slavoj Zizek shows how much peace can annoy the advocates of the idea that Ukrainians and Russians should keep dying until they prove their hypothesis about the futility of peace.

Road to nowhere

Peace in the Balkans won’t be a given for long. Russia’s increasingly certain victory in Ukraine will give an additional push to everyone in Serbia who believes that a “revision of the defeat” is possible.

First look from the inside

Our party got an office at Nikola Pasic Square 6, number 112. We don’t have internet, but we do have a fax machine, a television that doesn’t work, a desktop computer, and a box of floppy disks.

The issue of home

The moment a Polish soldier offers me a cup of soup because he thinks I am a refugee from Ukraine, I understand that Europe still hasn’t figured it out. He is heavily armed. He smiles.

Say terrorism

Is the international community organizing terrorist attacks in Serbia in order to force it to impose sanctions against Russia, or is Serbia faking these threats for its own daily political needs?

Internal dialogue 3.0

The AVtocrat’s “address to the public” is irrelevant. He will mumble the same things again, perform his political burlesque, clumsily play the statesman, pull his hair and take off his glasses theatrically.

What Putin said

The President of Russia explained to the Secretary General of the United Nations why he believes that the Russian military intervention in Ukraine is in accordance with international law.

Siege of Sarajevo – 30 years later

VIDEO – On April 5th, 1992, the longest siege of a European city since World War 2 began. It lasted 44 months, until December 1995. Over 11,000 people were killed, among them 1,600 children.


DwP – Sometimes I think I hear Milosevic when Putin is speaking. I am not struck by temporal confusion. Putin and his “Russian world” had Milosevic and his “Serbian world” as a precursor.